Las Vegas, NV

How to Keep Your Air Conditioning Unit in Great Shape

Keeping It Cool  


We haven’t met many homeowners who would ever turn down a chance to save money. Especially when referring to their energy or utility bills. In addition to these bills each month, when it comes to your air conditioning system, you also have the cost of upkeep to consider—maintenance, repair, eventual replacement—which can be overwhelming. There are several things that both a new and seasoned homeowner can do to keep their units in excellent operating condition.


Use when necessary

The first tip to keeping your AC system in tip-top shape is to only use it when you need it. This goes a really long way! Comfort cooling is one thing but leaving it on when no one is using it is another. Make sure you’re only using your air conditioning when you really need to use it and remember to turn it off especially when you leave the house.


Close your curtains

Especially in summer, you might want to enjoy the ambient light coming in through your windows, this light comes from the sun and the sun gives off radiant heat. Letting the sun come into windows means that those rooms will heat up faster than they would otherwise. By closing your curtains and even your blinds, you can keep those rooms in your home from the warm rays of the sun, and help your air conditioning system work more efficiently.


Keep your AC system clean

Cleaning is a basic chore and this applies to your AC unit. Part of this includes checking the air filter but also mostly checking on your outdoor unit. This outdoor unit is where all of the heat comes out, so removing anything that’s blocking it is wise if you want an efficient flow of air. This will help your system run smoothly and quickly.


There are a whole lot of simple and costless steps in ensuring that your AC units are well maintained. But just like any other appliances, they too can be subject to wear and tear. If you are in Las Vegas, NV and the surrounding areas and in need of a trusted air conditioning expert, turn to Wrich Air Cooling Heating. Call us at (702) 233-1636 for inquiries.

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9:00 AM – 5:00 PM



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