Are You Making These Common Air-Conditioning Mistakes?

Insights from Residential Air Conditioning Service Providers


Many homeowners think that they’re good to go as long as they hire a residential air conditioning service expert to install their AC system. However, there’s more to it than that. Your air-conditioning system needs regular care to work efficiently, and it can experience damage when you commit maintenance mistakes that shorten its lifespan. Here are some of the mistakes you should avoid:


Not cleaning fins and coils

Your AC’s condenser coils absorb heat from your interiors then release it into the outside environment through the evaporator fins. This system is designed to work smoothly and efficiently—as long as the coils and fins are free of dust and dirt, which can hamper the condensation and evaporation processes. Because of this, you need to clean your AC coils and fins on a regular basis.


Neglecting filter replacements

When was the last time you replaced your AC’s air filters? If you can’t remember when, you’re doing your air-conditioning system a huge disservice. This comes from the fact that dirty filters hamper air flow and make your AC work harder than it should, causing its parts to wear out faster and increasing the system’s energy consumption. To minimize wear and tear and keep your bills low, change your air-conditioning filters every three months or even once a month during cooling season.


Forgetting to check AC drains

Water is a natural by-product of the condensation process, which is why air-conditioning systems are built with drains where excess water can easily flow out. However, if one of these drains becomes clogged, water will accumulate in your AC and damage its sensitive parts. It can also leak out of the system and damage the walls and floors near the affected area. To avoid these scenarios, inspect the drains regularly to ensure they’re clean; if they’re clogged, call an AC technician who can remove the blockage without doing further damage to the system.


Avoid these maintenance blunders to keep your air-conditioning system in great shape! If you need help with repairs and maintenance, contact Wrich Air Cooling Heating and use our residential air conditioning service in Las Vegas, NV. Call us today at (702) 233-1636 to speak with our HVAC experts!


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